Waffect    “Art is what you can get away with.” goes the Andy Warhol quote, as  Warhol’s art stretched the imagination of what fine art could be.  I mean c’mon, the man stacked a bunch of Campbell’s soup cans; took a picture, messed with the color- and raked in millions.

     An electrical storm or a dump of snow creates the perfect conditions for thought provoking  Warhol affect or Waffect art.  “The affect to your satellite signal  which allows you to produce “fine art” ala Warhol.”  Google it  (not).  (Made that last bit up).

    The digitalized picture gets interrupted by the storm or by the effects  of gamma rays from the Sun.

     Your DVR’s ability to rewind and pause allows any still image of to be photographed with your digital camera and no flash.

      Who knows; your paused digital creation might be worth millions someday– but I wouldn’t  put your life on pause just yet, cowboy.


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