WARNING: This article deals with Paranormal activity; and may not be suitable for all audiences.


Original Cover.

“The couple who owned this house before me were David and Kathy Kruegar”; said Sarah Patronelli; of her fifty year old, somewhat isolated log home; which can be found  down a long dirt, Oklahoma road; just outside of Haileyville.


The 23 acre property boarders the edge of  historic Dow Cemetery. “I never knew the previous owners, or met with them.” but Sarah wanted answers as to why she had been experiencing so much “activity” in the house; especially at night.


“My house has a lot of creaks and makes noises; maybe I just have an active imagination; but I often hear footsteps in my bedroom; that’s where it started; but now I am starting to experience things all over the house. I even hear people sometimes outside my bedroom window yet no one is there.”

Sarah;s bedroom window.

Sarah’s bedroom window.

Sarah contacted Michael Todd of Fort Smith, Arkansas after reading an article about him which was published in the local newspaper; The McAlester News Capitol; while the group was documenting paranormal activity in the cemetery; which according to Todd; is very active. “It’s an old cemetery;” Michael said. “The newest grave stone we could find read 1920.”


He and his group of friends and family members are ghost hunters; a pastime popularized by the plethora of recent television programs; and websites offer a wide variety of high and low tech devices to measure EMF (Electro Magnetic Fields), and digital recorders with time stamps and enhanced sound editors, heat sensing devices; and night vision cameras. The most popular device right now is called “Spirit Box”; that scans radio frequencies; which according to Todd; “allow spirits a platform to speak to the living.” Todd says he purchased his SB 7 from Amazon for sixty dollars; (now nearly $70 there) although the company that makes the device now has a newer model; the SB 11 which goes for around $150; sporting dual scanners that work simultaneously.


These devices are noisy with static as they rapidly scan FM frequencies. With a background of static “white noise” the devices seem to pick up all kinds of voices; with bits of radio broadcasts; but distinct ‘other’ voices that answer questions in short phrases; although often hard to understand. There are plenty of examples of how these Spirit Boxes work on Youtube; but I will put a link to the device here to give you an example of what they sound like. If you aren’t too squeamish; click on, and view this link before proceeding with the article. Use your “back”  button to get back here, with the “living”.

Michael Todd.

Michael Todd.

“Did you bring the Spirit Box with you today?” I asked. “No.” was the answer. “We used the Spirit Box last week when we were here. We asked how many spirits were in the bedroom; and we got a clear answer that there were four.” Michael said. “We were able to identify two of them; a man who called himself Luke, and a woman who identified herself as Angelica.” He showed me a photo of this mirror in Sarah’s bedroom; nothing out of place except  his picture had a reflection of a porcelain head doll in the mirror that didn’t exist in the room. It is hard to validate the photo; because I wasn’t present when the photo was taken. “Tonight we are going ‘Old School’ and using a digital tape recorder with external speakers.” Michael said.

We were split up into groups of two or three; and entered the house. Michael and his closest followers were in the first crew in; as I stood outside with a woman who introduced herself as Cindy.

Spook Earth Paranormal Investigatiors.

Spook Earth Paranormal Investigators all wore matching black “t” shirts.

Although part of Michael’s Spook Earth Paranormal Investigators group. Cindy  considered herself a skeptic. “Even when someone takes a photo of a window  like that dormer up there; it may have a smudge that can be read as something else.” she said.

It was our turn. We entered the house. There was a definite but slight heaviness in the atmosphere; but nothing scary. The house did have squeaky doors; which added to the atmosphere; but nothing unusual during our time. Nothing showing up in my digital recording or photos.


Sarah looks into the mirror that had a bisque head doll in it in Michael’s photo.

Outside again Michael played time stamped bits of what he claimed to be spirit voices in his recording; but it was hard to make out the two statements; Both were of a male voice which  seemed to say “You (expletive) hate me!” and the second one seemed more clear. It said “They left me alone.”


These sounded more like shuffling noises; but when heard over and over, it became clear what was said.

“I asked Michael to investigate my house because I thought; being so close to the cemetery; some of them might have just wandered over.” the home owner said. “I have lived here for ten years and they don’t bother me one bit.” Sarah shared; “There’s one thing though. I have always been the kind of gal who enjoys scary movies; but I can’t watch them any more; not without someone sitting right there next to me!”


Sarah Patronelli.

Here is a link to Michael Todd’s Facebook page: SPOOK EARTH.


Michael Todd's Facebook logo.

Michael Todds Facebook logo.

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One thought on “WANDERING OVER

  1. Very cool. I was a skeptic, but ya know “seeing is believing”. Experiencing, hearing, feeling is actually better words than seeing…but same difference. Interesting story.


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