John 4:48:

Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.”

In ancient times; before much was known about diseases and cures, just about every malady was on full display. The ancients were desperate for anyone who could be of assistance. Anyone who had any kind of higher reasoning, was considered a prophet. Prophets were expected to perform miracles, foretell the future, and heal people.

Jesus really wanted to share about how unselfish love could transform the world, but the emphasis was pressed upon him to perform physical acts of amazement to a population that felt the need to gratify their immediate need for solutions to their longing to be made physically well. He never told anyone they were made well in a physical sense, but that they could be made whole by their faith in God. With this in mind we can understand his dilemma.

Did Jesus actually multiply food for the masses? In ancient times, poor people made sure to take more than enough food and drink with them. Sharing all your food in the desert, could cost you your life, so when It was time to eat; the crowds were reluctant to eat in front of the large group; but were moved by the young man who brought out his loaf of bread and fish to be shared with Jesus.

Suddenly everyone decided to share. The same goes with the water into wine. Unselfishness prevailed. He didn’t want to be known as a faith healer and asked his zealous followers to downplay them; because this was not what he was about.

Was Lazarus actually brought back to life by Jesus after being dead for three days in the heat of the desert? Our spirit is born into this vessel we call our body at first breath, and leaves with the last breath. Breathing keeps the time our spirit is on this plane like clockwork. The body to be resurrected would have been in the depth of decaying.

(Just as an aside, the early Christians (mostly Jews) had to go underground. They were slaughtered for their belief in the Promise. Lit up as human torches at Roman parties…The leaders of Rome were afraid that their plan was to overthrow the government. If they were just asking God for forgiveness of syns, singing and passing the plate, I don’t think Rome would have seen them as a problem).

Again, Jesus message was so revolutionary, people wanted to claim many things about him.

Is it physically possible to walk on water?

The Greek and Roman gods could. Gods like Poseidon, and Orion could according to lore. The people wanted to share that Jesus had this ability too; to prove to the ancients, that the Jewish God was as good or better than the Pantheon of gods they worshiped.

How about the man who wandered the graveyard slashing his wrists?

The story says Jesus told the man he was being influenced by dark spirits and that he would send them into a bunch of pigs and they ran into the water and drown. Only one problem; ghosts can’t be drown. Jesus was practicing psychology here as they ceremoniously drown the pig.

As we already know, Jesus was most interested in preparing his followers for the continuation of their lives on the astral plane, as well as giving them the knowledge that would lead to “the kingdom of heaven on the earth”.

This kingdom, would be nothing like an earthly kingdom. No one to be crowned king or deified but God; the source of all that we know, and all that we are. He would finally be given control of everything through the sheer power of mankind practicing love and forgiveness, and reconciliation.

Jesus said the meek (representing all the everyday inhabitants of the known world) would act like “cells in one body”(my translation) to bring this about.

He taught that mankind was given the spiritual image of the Creator, and that through the connectedness of everyone; the entire course of history of the known world would be transformed; as mankind was to be taken from the bloodbath of war and self serving greed and hatred, to a place of unselfishness, peace and plenty.

A balanced planet.

Mankind was to bypass corrupt governments, and act together to make this global transformation. This was a time when word of mouth was the only means of communicating the message; long before access to the kind of connectedness the digital age has brought us to. He asked his fisherman followers to start fishing for people who could spread his message. Jesus sensed that the government would be against him, even as he taught this.

19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” 20 Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah. – Matthew 16: 13-20.

Several hundred years after Jesus passed; leaders of the day were afraid that this Christian idea might eventually take down traditional control, so they organized the famous council of Nicaea in 325 ad. This part of his teaching was obviously deleted from record. This ‘body of mankind’ idea survived the council but is only seen long after Jesus death, in the writings of the Apostle Paul.

1 Corinthians 12

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. … And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!

After all, was the reasoning; God gave us everything; and his teaching was that the responsibility of mankind was to take responsibility for the welfare of our planet, and all it’s inhabitants. He said only when we create the kingdom of heaven on earth; would we be able to experience it in the afterlife. Matthew 18:18

Also please see: THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Matthew 5.

Jesus was a Jew. The Jewish religion was the first break out religion. Ancients were still making idols to a pantheon of gods; while Judaism laid claim realization that there was just one God, they called YHVH, witch means “The unutterable name.” For this they were called the chosen people. Maybe this is a mistaken word, because we are all part and parcel of God’s energy; but God had prepared this tribe of people to receive a messiah that they still wait for.

Nevertheless, if Jesus teachings were the software, the Jewish people were also hard-wired to survive and thrive. As is normally the case with blessings, comes a curse. Jealousy of their odd worship to one God; bypassing the pantheon gods worshiped by the ancients; weren’t the only jealousy people held against them. They were also envious of their talent, and ability to create fortune. This led to the many atrocities instituted against them from early times.

Not only did they have that understanding; they also taught about God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. Something Jesus picked up on. (See The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32).

Jesus did a lot of talking about the light in you. He taught that only through manifesting God’s love in the world through unselfishness, could we grow the light in us. That it was important for everyone to become who they fully can be in order to contribute to the ideal for which this was all created. Ancients knew that syn is a Greek archery term; pre-dating Jesus; meaning “Missing the mark”; not being true to your best character.

The ancient Jewish people had already figured out that God was unconditional and therefore non judgmental; but they still lived in an age where they felt the need to sacrifice animals to God for forgiveness. This practice though totally unnecessary, can be traced back to pagan religions.

In actuality no matter your religion, or even lack of it; the practice of unselfish love to the people of the world, and respecting the planet is how we grow our light.

There is no judgment day when you pass from this plane; only a life review. We will clearly be able to see the light in us or the lack of it.

Our understanding and practice of these spiritually positive principles make us new people, and new people work together to create a new earth and therefore a new Heaven. If all of humanity were to be destroyed, there would be no hope for Heaven on the astral plane. “The light we bring here will always be the light we take there. ” In the beginning there was a Promise; and the Promise was with God, and the Promise WAS GOD. Jesus was the first person to ‘flesh it out’. If everything we know is composed of Gods’ energy, all of humanity must bring it about.

As God’s highest creation on this earth; it is left to all of mankind to turn the key.

All that God left us to do is complete the picture. Jesus’ death was a tragedy; but his truth will still set us free. He was not the Creator, nor was he the author of this truth; but when we take in Universal Truth; and practice it; this truth is made flesh in us too. This is the power of belief. Alone we can do nothing, but together we can do anything.



Photo credit: Floyd Morgan Jr.



The world holds it’s breath; as we ready to destroy our common home in order to prove which profit is right. What if YOU were the messiah? No, not you… not me. Not a single soul you know.

Us. Everyone.

If God’s energies are made of everything we know, the worlds’ people must be the key to make the world right. Every genuine soul. All the honest to goodness people across the entire world connected together in peace.

Only one Sun though… imagine.

Syn is a Greek archery term; “Missing the mark”.– Not being true to your best character.


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Original cover.

When you take a picture, It is so important how you frame the shot.”



“You have to realize that you aren’t just shooting a thing, but telling a story.”

1 “Every photo speaks, so you must be aware of the angle of the shot.”


“The way you look at things becomes a part of who you are.”

Vultures roost.

Said photographer, Floyd Morgan Jr.

Floyd grew up and went to High School in Haileyville, Oklahoma. He now makes his home in Longtown, 10 miles from the city of Eufaula.

Squiggly log.

Eufaula is a man-made lake completed in 1964, after a dam was constructed on the Canadian River, by the Army Corps. Of Engineers.


Lightening strike in a cloudy sky.

 It is the largest lake in the state of Oklahoma.

floyd 2

The enormous body of water spans 102,000 acres and 600 miles of shoreline.

The lake is an attraction to bring campers, boaters, anglers, deer hunters and sports a full spectrum of leisure activities as well as Arrowhead and Fountainhead State Parks, though it also provides hydroelectric power to the area.

floyd 3

Floyd owns a boat for bowfishing but refuses to take his camera out on the water. He is afraid to get it wet.


This is a great escape for a quiet man. He also spends many hours deer hunting and bowfishing on the lake.


Blue sky over dusky lake.

“I like to go out on my boat. It’s so peaceful there.”


Self portrait;  photographer Floyd Morgan Jr. Snowy lake.

“I bowfish out on the lake. It’s where you take a bow and arrow, but the arrow is attached to a string to catch fish.”

“Sometimes on weekends, I may get in my Jeep and drive for 200 miles around the lake looking for pictures.”

eufaula city

City of Eufaula at night.

“I can get to places where other people can’t go in my Renegade Jeep, to get shots that other people wouldn’t be able to reach.”

floyd 4

“People are always telling me I am a good photographer. I didn’t know I would be good at it, but I liked doing it. If you like doing something you will get better at it.”

“Photography has been something I’ve been interested in since I was a kid; but never had the chance to do anything till about three or four years ago.”

floyd 1

Starry, starry night on the lake.

“The camera I finally got is is a is a Cannon T3-I; “It’s something you aren’t able to get every day.”

He finally was able to purchase the $600 camera three years ago; and could afford to buy several lenses for it too. “People ask me for tips on how to take good pictures; and I will always tell them some stuff I know like the rule of thirds. “


It’s where you put that tic tac toe grid, on the viewer. You’d want your subject on one of those lines, a third of the way into the picture, to the left or the right, the top or the bottom.”

Floyd never had one photography class.


Bowfishing on the lake.

He just studied everything he could find about photography online; mostly through Youtube videos.


His matted and framed work is for sale in a local art gallery in Eufaula called My Favorite Place.



Hard to believe, but so far, he hasn’t been able to sell any of his photos. “I think the shop may have overpriced them.” he shared.


Lake Eufaula website:

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Grandma has a reason why she doesn’t want to go to the nursing home.

She doesn’t even want to move to a retirement community where she could have some fun while she is still able; because when she gets to the point where she can no longer do for herself, THEY WILL put her in a nursing home.

As a caregiver for many years I have been in and out of nursing homes and can see why.

When a new prospect comes in; these homes try and put the best face on it, but there are inherent problems there.

When I was 16 my first job was washing dishes in a nursing home in Oxnard, California. Mrs. Kindred was a sweet old lady who liked to sit in her wheelchair near a sunny window and read the newspaper. I was visiting with her one day just after my shift; and was just about to leave. She grabbed my arm;

“Don’t leave yet.” she pleaded; while watching a tall man in sneakers walking the hall laughing to himself.

This man had obviously lost his mind, but could walk; and Mrs. Kindred wasn’t ambulatory. “He tries to rape me sometimes.” she shuddered. It was at that moment that I realized another reason these places have a bad reputation. They house people who have lost their mind, but can move their bodies, alongside others who; like Mrs. Kindred, had lost use of her body, yet kept her mind. A nightmare.

Not only that. Nursing homes seem to be divided up by class, although nursing homes that I have seen are still pits with better or worse window dressing or food.

Over there near the Country Club, in McAlester, the furnishings and the food is better, but close to me, I had an elderly home care client with May’s Home Health; that had cancer and spent his last month in the nursing home on the poor side of town.

I met him in his room around 5pm, and soon, his dinner arrived. An omelet with a salad and a dinner roll. “Sometimes it’s fun to eat breakfast for dinner.” I told him. “We have been having a lot of eggs around here.” he shared while poking his eggs. “What did you have for lunch?” I asked. “Egg salad sandwiches.”

He couldn’t remember breakfast; so I excused myself and went to the kitchen. I asked an aide what was served for breakfast on this day. She went to look at a paper on the bulletin board on the side wall of the kitchen; “Scrambled eggs.”

I asked; “What kind of place fixes eggs three meals a day?”

The young aide smiled politely; “Oh, we don’t make it. It comes from the prison up the road.”

I just kind of stood there. I must have had a blank look on my face. “It’s just up the road. Haven’t you seen it yet?”

Valle Verde on the other hand; is a three stage senior living community in Santa Barbara California.

Residents get their own unit; with livingroom, kitchenette, bathroom and bedroom. They eat in a beautiful dining hall, on linen tablecloths; more like a nice restaurant, with a server and a menu. Residents show up for meals, and can order anything on the menu. If they don’t wish to eat three times in a day, eat out or in their room, they save up points to host free guests like outside friends or family to the restaurant.

There are many more amenities at this senior living community in the Hidden Valley area of Santa Barbara; where the salad dressing comes from. A pool, jacuzzi, a chapel and a thrift store of donated things from people who have “moved” (passed), and so many scheduled activities to keep the residents lives active, busy and engaged.

As you need more care; or your situation changes; you receive a second level of care. Then at the end, you go to an on site care center, for end of life care.

Business is booming at Valle Verde. Once in; you can never be kicked out, even if you run out of money. It is very expensive.

The US Government would do well; if they teamed up with Disney to run senior living resorts. Facilities could be set in a park like environment. Signing a reverse mortgage to the Government, could pay for such communities. Those who sign off on a million dollar estate, could help pay it forward for other less fortunate citizens to get the level of care they deserve. Having such places as this for all of our elderly citizens, would be like having a slice of Heaven, before ever setting foot there.

Cover photo by me. Valle Verde resident.

Valle Verde Website:

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Internet photo of Megiddo.

Har is the Hebrew word meaning “hill” and Megiddo means “army camp”. “Megiddo is this actual hill 55 miles North of Tel Aviv.

Jews and Christians of the world believe it to be the epicenter of ‘The war to end all wars,but other Biblical passages point to a spiritual battle; leaving some to wonder… Will it be a literal battle that is going to take place, or is it something more invisible?

A digital battle is happening right now all over the world.

In order to get to my point, I will have to break down the terms we call good and evil.  Syn (sin) is a Greek word; an archery term meaning “Missing the mark.” — Not being true to your best nature.

In all respects good and evil represent the forces of selflessness battling the willful forces of selfishness.

We can see the old ways of the world are breaking down. Institutions of  all sizes; Universities, Government, and the moneyed class which were once the bastions of influence, power and clout; are breaking influence,  by themselves.

We are getting connected online through social media; all over the world. A planet just now beginning to see that through our connectedness, we can paint in real changes in the direction of our common world.

I always appreciated the freedoms and lifestyle our nation afforded us, but could see the harm which would be done to our planet, if all the other nations of the world had been living like us.

Ours was one of overconsumption of natural resources without taking heed to how the last hundred years have devastated our planet. We claimed to worship God, while being consumed with worship of money and things; having the attitude toward the misfortune of others, as: “Glad it didn’t happen to me!”

We missed the mark.

Wars miss the mark. Looking to exploit division rather than cooperation misses the mark. Failure to recognize that no matter our creed or religion… our common faith in whatever you call Him; commits us to love.

Failure to treat everyone as our necessary human family; all the while breathing the same air, drinking the same water, and sharing the same earth; misses the mark.

The 1977 movie: “Oh God” was right. We have been given everything we need to live in peace and harmony with each other on this beautiful sphere.

But we still continue to miss the mark.

We are just now beginning to depart the world of selfishness, and exclusion;– nearing the outskirts of town, so to speak. What was; is always passing away. We can already see that. As long as we are breathing, we can build a future together.

We can have a say in a country, and a world that will thrive on inclusive ideals. Problem solving. Diplomacy. Humanity.

This time, will we make the right choices to bring about the planet of our dreams; or will we continue doing what we have been so used to doing throughout history; and miss the mark. In every age; it’s a choice.

photo credit: Google pictures page

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Original Cover


As winter loses it’s grip on an anxious nation, Eastern Oklahoma will soon be covered with green. This winter; McAlester was mostly spared the blight of snow that plagued points North, South and East.

Tonite, gnarley barren branches– forests of native oak, cast long crooked shadows on McAlester’s rolling hills over melting snow.

Occasionally these long needled pines, can be seen popping through the canopy of bare, tangled oak branches.

Among the most beautiful; the Ponderosa Pine; known by it’s very long needles, ornate bark and it’s ability to thrive in the red clay or sandy soil and intense Summer heat of Oklahoma.

My photo from previous article about Robber's Cave.

My photo from previous article about Robber’s Cave.

The Ponderosa originated in Eastern Washington State, just a stones throw from Spokane. The first Ponderosas were identified by a Scottish born botanist named David Douglas. When Douglas originally discovered the species in 1826; he was confused, and erroneously jotted it down in his notes as a red pine. It wasn’t until three years later that he began to claim he had a new species of pine in his samples.

He named it Pinus Ponderosa; but despite it’s memorizing red and black bark, lumberjacks back in the day called the tree Blackjack, because the younger trees have a blackish bark that changes color and texture with trunk expansion.

Their enormous size makes them a great windbreak and their extremely long tap root allows this tree to live in lines just 3 feet or so apart for a wall if tree; but not only that. Mature Ponderosas can live through all but most intense forest fires. The secret is the thick, mature bark which protects the tree from fire far better than most any other tree. What’s more; such fires actually help spread these trees in forests where other less fireproof species have been decimated.

Cross sections of these trees are commonly used to display  ring patterns;  because these trees are such good survivors of fire and drought.

Robber's Cave article photos.

Robber’s Cave article photos.

Pine wilt from the effects of dreaded Sawyer beetle; (depleting the native oaks here too) reportedly does not kill the Ponderosa; although the tree can act as a host. These massive trees can grow up to 220 feet– like green giants peeking over our local landscape. Depending on water, temperature and soil, Ponderosas shoot up at a rate of 12 to 18 inches a year.

My photo from previous article about Robber's Cave.

These McAlester Blackjacks are just 44 years old.

Saplings are susceptible to drought, flooding, and over-watering, especially in clay rich soil like we have here. Shrubs and other plants can choke out young trees; and deer reportedly like to nibble at saplings long needles. After a few years though, when the tree is more established, it will be free to grow rapidly.

Ponderosas in city limits.

Blackjacks in city limits.

Planting season is now; (March through April). If you were to plant one today, it would dwarf your house in a lifetime. For this reason, they are not commonly suggested for residential garden landscapes, but when they are; the effect can be jaw dropping. The trick is to not park your tree too close to buildings, driveways, or between the sidewalk and the street. The street will be fine; but the sidewalk will buckle as the tree matures. If you were to take a drive around McAlester you would see many of these trees in residential landscapes.

My photo from previous post about Robber's cave.

My photo from previous post about Robber’s Cave.

Year round, these pines have been reminding us of the power of green, no matter the season. Few other pines stir such a reaction. With a lifespan of 500+ years; few other trees  will  leave a longer legacy.

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223 West Seminole is a golden roofed, jewel setting atop of a hill, across the street from the McAlester water tower; and hey– it’s currently for sale. The three story 3,456 square foot property reportedly built by a French immigrant in 1905; is roughly three times the footprint of the average smaller American home. The asking price; $240,000. Mortgage is estimated to be a reasonable $870 a month. (February 18; UPDATE– The house is now listing at $209.000).


The gleaming golden roof which is less than two years old caps off the beautiful façade of twenty inch hand-cut native stone; but simply purchasing a property of this age; may be prohibitive for many people today, as older buildings require restoration, furnishing and upkeep, at a cost that may far exceed the budget of the typical millennial buyer. I suspect creative developers will soon begin purchasing such historic buildings as this, to be sub-divided into affordable condos which could come fully equipped with built in furnishings, and high end fixtures.

Such a house as this;  could easily be turned into six or seven living units; each with four or five hundred square feet of fully furnished living space.  Tiny Association dues could ensure that the garden, exterior, and common areas would be reworked and remain pristine. Historic neighborhoods would be able to keep their integrity, while providing living areas that fit with modern trends toward more minimalist sensibilities.  Contact Realtor Carla House;  # 001 1 918 421 1839.

The huge success of FYI network’s shows; Tiny House Nation, and Tiny House Hunting attest to the idea that people have been moving away from traditional mortgages; “engaged till death” as the name suggests.  Buyers are opting for smaller; more affordable living options.

Tiny living spaces have their pros and cons; but choosing to live smaller has advantages that can far outweigh the disadvantages.  A Condo with built in furnishings wrap around sofas for ample seating with storage space; fully functional kitchen and bathroom –even a laundry area can be configured in tiny spaces today. Most small living spaces take advantage of a high ceiling to make use of visual space, so as not to seem claustrophobic, as well as providing extra space for sleeping lofts. LED lighting, combination washer/ dryer units, microwaves that are also convection ovens, tankless water heaters, flat screened TVs, and cool inverter cooktops, helped shrink the need for larger floor spaces, which could lead the way for this movement.

Minimal housing reduces your carbon footprint and property tax. It promotes less waste. Living small naturally curbs human tendencies to over shop; because usable space BECOMES the luxury, as opposed to shopping to fill it up large; mostly unused empty spaces. The effect may mean more money in your pocket at the end of each month, and more money for retirement,  travel and leisure.

Tiny homes come in all sizes. The smaller the home, the more challenges to include beauty and functionality to the space. I would like to give a couple of examples of functional spaces today. They are both on the small side of the spectrum; but prove that powerful spaces can be both small and comfortable.


L41 “All for One” credited photo.

The first is a modern 220 square foot home, created by Canadian Designers Michael Katz and Janet Corne. You might be surprised at the functionality of this home. If  just a hundred more feet of living space were to be added to such a design; for more livingroom and sleeping space; it might have greater appeal to couples and young families. I think you will like the creative use of windows as a back splash in the kitchen. This tiny unit with high end finishes reportedly sells for under $50,000.

Vancouver Sun Photo.

Vancouver Sun Photo.

Tour the L41 in this short Youtube video then hit the “Back” button to get back here.

The L41 can be clustered and stacked like this, or to the size of a mid-level skyscraper.

The L41 can be clustered and stacked like this, or to the size of a mid-level skyscraper.

Visit the L41 website:

L41 website:

Texas and Colorado have been producing many tiny houses too; and examples can be found on-line, yet I could not find any builders of such homes here in Oklahoma. Not yet.


Showcase Sheds And More photo

Showcase Sheds And More photo

Closer to home; meet the Dara. A 200 foot “Irish cottage design”  home on skids which was designed as a prototype home; built by Showcase Sheds And More (an Arkansas builder and dealer of custom sheds) –fully outfitted for under $26,000, or as a shell for under $17,000.

The Dara livingroom.

The Dara livingroom. Showcase Sheds Photo.

The Cave Springs Arkansas shed manufacturer (127 miles from McAlester) built this prototype; with the option to reconfigure each space to suit the needs of each individual buyer. I was able to contact representative Anita Burney by phone to ask how the tiny house did in our local market. “Oh we had a lot of interest in this home; not only in this country, but all over the world. It didn’t actually sell for a year!”

Showcase Sheds And More website:

Dara Kitchen. Shocase Sheds photo.

Dara kitchen. Showcase Sheds photo.

“I’ll tell you what this is Joseph,” she explained. “Not many people have that kind of cash to pay for a tiny house like this. A stewardess who only comes home on weekends bought this one. She had the cash.  Banks won’t finance a house on skids, because they can be moved so easily– they would be too hard to repossess.”

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The beautiful deep chocolate brown tin ceiling; the thick knotty pine floors; the neat shelves of merchandise; and the display case of truffles, on a counter made of resin covered pennies; speak volumes about Kristen and Micky Lloyd; both native Oklahomans; and their attention to detail. The Lloyds are visionaries who bring with them a clear sense of what McAlester’s downtown can be.



The moment you step into the building at 111 East Choctaw; you might feel that you’ve stepped into a shop in a bigger city. “We liked the idea of the old time mercantile; but this is essentially a gift shop, and we are always looking for unique gift items you won’t see at Wal-mart.” Micky said. He is a huge proponent of a revitalized city center and supporting local businesses.

Common Roots image. Click to enlarge.

Common Roots  Facebook image. Click to enlarge.

Common Roots Facebook link:

The shop also sells 30 kinds of ice cold soda from all over the country.


Abagail Brown, and Sally Judge.

Ten year old Abagail Brown, and Sally Judge, sat at the penny counter enjoying truffles from Texas and designer sodas. Abagail said she thought the new shop is pretty cool, and didn’t think it seemed like it was in McAlester. “I feel like I’m in Texas.” she shared while sipping on her “Texas” root beer.

Purchasing the 1905 Brown’s Shoe Fit building this year; a short three months later, the Lloyds almost single handedly transformed the building into a modern, trending show place, while seeking to bring out the integrity and history of the building.

“I think we have a good group of people who are coming along and can see the vision to bring one of these old buildings back and I’m hoping that this renovation  will inspire other people to invest in the downtown because so many of the old buildings are falling apart, and I’d hate to see them go.”

“The price will depend on the shape of the building; but as far as price per square foot, you can’t beat it anywhere.”


Micky Lloyd.

It was shortly after posting the fanciful McAlester Matters April Fools article; Downtown To Get Major Facelift; that people began approaching me that a young couple was “buying up the buildings in downtown” which caused me to want to do a story on Common Roots Mercantile. The shop has only been open for business three weeks.

“Brown’s Shoe fit; had just celebrated 50 years at this location about a month before abruptly closing it’s doors on Choctaw this year.”

“No, we are not buying up all the buildings in the downtown, but we do own three properties here.” Micky said. The two buildings to the right of the Yellow Gazebo, now Common Roots Mercantile; Dottie’s Children’s Boutique and the “Cecelia” building at 120 East Choctaw across the street.

“We’ve owned the building “Dottie’s Children’s Boutique” at 113 East Choctaw for about 15 years. My wife Kristen has her Photography Studio (Studio 23) in the back. She was born and raised here. When we met and got married, Kristen was just finishing her photography degree at OSU in Okmulgee; in 1999; and we bought the (single story) building shortly after that. It’s where she started her photography studio in 2000.

Studio 23. Photo by Kristen Lloyd.

Studio 23. Framed photo by Kristen Lloyd.

She had actually worked in a lot of the buildings in downtown during High School and even after that, so she has a lot of ties to downtown, and wanted to keep her business here.”

“We caught word of the ordinance where they were going to allow people to begin refurbishing and living above the businesses downtown, and we began looking at the Cecilia building across the street. The owner was ready to retire. We made an offer and she accepted it; so we started working on that one, with the intention of living in it.”

“Then Brown’s Shoe Fit just closed it’s doors; and we saw the owner over here cleaning it out a few weeks later. We asked him if he wanted to sell; and he said yes; so we ended up buying this building too.”


“Upstairs is in rough condition.”

The plan is to build an apartment above “Common Roots” for the Lloyds and their daughter and son. “After we saw this building; we really fell in love with it because it’s older and more original. It was built in 1905. The shoe store had a dropped ceiling with ceiling tiles; and when we lifted one of them we could see the original tin ceiling. That was what sparked the renovation.”

Common Roots has a unique internal doorway connecting to the children’s boutique, which must be seen in person, to be fully appreciated.


A classic, cut in half VW bug looks as though it crashed through the wall on the children’s boutique side. “I cut the whole thing in half by myself,” Micky said; “and I did it with a sawzall!” His face grimacing; as though he was remembering the difficulty of it.

The loft upstairs is huge. High ceilinged, lime green walls, and large windows; some of which had been bricked over. Of course the same amount of floor space as the shop downstairs, but is in rough shape. Four large rooms, with a wide hallway, and an outdated restroom at the end of the hall; with offices which used to belong to lawyers; until they were vacated in the late 1950’s.  Vacant all these years.

All along the floors; lines of blue plastic kiddie pools; to catch water from the leaking roof, and high, tumble down ceilings.


Micky stands in a front room of the loft; the future home for his family of four.

Micky is anxious to restore the upstairs, and estimates a six month time period for the loft remodel; when the new ordinance is passed. It’s true that any city people care about is brimming with life; and has people both living and working in the city center. Micky, plans to tear some of the walls down to open up more living space.

His beautiful wife Kristen wasn’t available for comment. She was at Dallas buyer’s market purchasing more unique gifts and Christmas goods to sell in their new shop. All the while, Micky seemed a little reluctant to pose for pictures; “My wife would have been a better subject for photos!” he lamented out loud.

Lloyd family . Studio 23 image.

Lloyd family . Studio 23 image.

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Original cover.

The 2000 movie Erin Brockovich put a spotlight on the quality of our nation’s drinking water; and one fearsome culprit; Hexavalent Chromium, or Chromium 6 which is a hazardous carcinogen. The EPA’s legal limit is 100 parts per billion of total Chromium; (50 ppb in California currently; because higher ppb’s can cause skin irritation); but the California Environmental Protection Agency cites the total Chromium levels should be set at a “much lower” goal of less than 1 ppb; 0.06 ppb for public safety.

Chromium 6 is found in much higher amounts than the proposed  0.06 ppb “safe” level in much of the country’s drinking water.

Enviornmental Working Group  image.

Environmental Working Group image.

A 2010 study by Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that of the 35 cities tested; Chromium levels were higher than the proposed EPA limit in 25 of them; with Norman, Oklahoma topping the list at a whopping 12.9 parts per billion. Norman was the only city tested in Oklahoma.

Enviornmental Working Group graph.

Volunteers fanned out all over these 35 cities  taking samples of the water at court houses, malls, schools; and various other places. The red dots on the map cover the areas where Chromium 6 was found in higher degrees than deemed safe by the proposed California EPA standards; with Norman showing the largest dot. No wonder there are so many commercials on TV, with ads on how to deal with the effects of Crohn’s Disease; a common malady cited in the movie Erin Brockovich.  This map from the Environmental Working Group’s report attempts to show the amounts of Chromimum 6 in all the other counties in the United States, but this “other”  information on the map was supplied by the water providers. There is no way to validate the accuracy of the reporting areas outside the 35 cities studied in the report.

Enviornmental Working Group map.

Environmental Working Group map.

Drinking water is always open to new contamination; from normally occurring events like the recent flooding in Nowata, Oklahoma.

Aging water treatment facilities, outdated EPA guidelines, agricultural and commercial run off,  and even chemical agents used to clean the water may pose a risk to health; but the copper and lead leaching heavy metals from your city’s pipes, or your own pipes and water heater can pose a risk too. This is why you should NEVER drink hot water from your faucet; and this is why you should never use warm tap water to mix your baby’s formula.

It seems most people are so afraid of their tap water today; many of us have been buying bottled water from the store; the breakdown of the bottles in the ocean into a toxic “food”; leads to disastrous effect on marine life.

Is bottled water safer to drink?

Not necessarily. Bottled water is held to the same minimal EPA standards for drinkability as tap water; and bottles leach chemicals into the water. Setting water loses some of it’s “fresh running” quench. Something we call “stale”.

Filters like Britta, Pur and others; carry a Class 1 Particulate reduction of contaminants; of one half, to one micron. One problem of such filters is that they are only able to filter one or two or three hundred gallons of water until they must be changed. Older Britta pitchers had a lid that fit inside the pitcher its self which allowed bacteria to grow between the pitcher and the lid; and water filters themselves can grow bacteria inside.

Until recently, in-line, under sink water filters were either bulky, complicated or expensive; but a new product which began to sell exclusively on the in September, is a Class 1, NSF under the sink filter with the ability to remove 99.99% of contaminants in all the cold water from your kitchen sink for three years, or at least 10,000 gallons– a far cry from the 200 gallon to 300 gallon capacity of many other filters. Great for cooking, drinking, rinsing fruit and vegetables, and washing dishes. Coffee and tea will taste so much better.

Currently the New York based company sells the filter for $64.95 with free shipping. It’s called the Woder 10k filter, for the amount of water it purifies. There is also a 5k filter for refrigerators that serve ice and water from the door.

IGWS- Woder image.

IGWS- Woder image.

Idan Granit, owner of Woder Filters ( determined to build a better filter.

In a blog report by Press Jungle earlier this year the filter was said to work by;

“actively filtering out contaminants before they reach the OEM (other equipment manufacturer) filter. The water stays free from mercury, chlorine, lead, heavy metals and toxic VOCs; (Volatile organic compounds) as well as ensuring that water and ice is 100% safe.”

The filter is also purported to be  silver infused; to keep bacteria from growing inside; and has a built in defuser to keep the water flowing evenly through it with no reduction in water pressure.

The 2013 McAlester water quality report warns that infants, the elderly, those with cancer or other health problems should not be drinking unfiltered tap water, but should you?

We all seem to be water connoisseurs these days; but in the final analysis, fresh, cold,  pure water, tastes just like — nothing else.


About the filter listed in this article;

Filter set up is easy. The following link shows you how:

It can be ordered from Amazon here:


(The water will have a slight “New Filter” plastic taste, for the first few days after installation). Not meant to filter hot water.

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